Wednesday, November 2, 2011

reading & readability

Dear students!

You have now received the texts for theme #4 - Flexibility:
Ecology and Flexibility in Urban Civilization from Steps to an ecology of mind by Gregory Bateson

Theory, practice and landscape
by Stan Allen in dialog with Florian Sauters, from Natural metaphor: architectural papers III

Wishing you good reading!

Not being able to be there at this week's presentation I had the intention to give you all comments on the blog. Yesterday I spent quite some time looking through your New Hierarchies assignments.. ..but for several of them I simply had to give up trying deciphering (due to different reasons; unreadable text, unmanagable formats, lacking explanations etc - I think each and one of you knows what is applicable in your case..)

I really do believe you are capable of producing intriguing and readable work - obviously that is part of the assignments. Also consider that your audience on the blog is about hundred times larger than the one in the auditorium..

All the best - and looking forwards to seeing your Joik Thoughts next week!


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