Thursday, December 1, 2011

Chance for a surprise

When Andé Somby introduced himself and the program for the DAV-week on monday 7. november, he announced that for the thursday 10. november would be a surprising day.
Up until that date we had been experincing joiking, mythological stories and political progression around the fire inside the lavvu we raised outside the schools premises.
Then thursday was here, the anticipation for Andé´s suprise built up, but the mentor was nowhere insight. Did our joik-mentor become invisible? We tried to find him everywhere and asked the administration at the school if they had seen our mentor. "Is the lavvu burning? If not then you shouldn´t worry" was the response we got from the school´s office. That made us think that we had the freedom to do whatever we want in and on the lavvu. The studio used their time and space inside the lavvu in various ways. We joiked, played instruments, illustrated in and on the lavvu and most of all used the lavvu together to try out dialogs and togetherness in different ways than we are used to. All of us made different entries to communicate around the fire. One act led to another. This video is an example of one moment where everybody added element to the rhythm and sound around the fire.

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